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De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel

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De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel  Empty De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel

Bericht  Eliyahu vr nov 29, 2013 9:09 am


Net als de rest van de wereld, heeft de VN een abnormale focus op Israel.

De VN bestaat uit lidstaten waarvan het overgrote deel dictaturen zijn, en een heel groot blok moslimdictaturen.

Hierdoorwordt Israel constant zwart gemaakt in de VN, en onderworpen aan een constante stroom resoluties die Israel veroordelen, terwijl humanitaire rampen genegeerd worden.

De Verenigde Dictators kunnen dus absoluut niet serieus genomen worden, en zijn totaal ongeschikt als internationaal orgaan voor wereldvrede, belangrijke beslissingen, of wat dan ook.

Hier is een voorbeeld van de anti-Israel houding van de VN:


VVD wil hervorming Verenigde Naties
De VVD vindt dat de Verenigde Naties hervormd moeten worden omdat volgens de partij de belangen van een aantal permanente leden nu soms boven die van de burgers worden gesteld.
Foto:  AFP

"De VN staat enorm onder druk", zo oordeelt Han ten Broeke van de VVD in een debat met de Tweede Kamer dinsdag. Hij vindt dat de orde er niet langer gehandhaafd wordt.

Zo is volgens Ten Broeke de aandacht voor Israël binnen de VN al lange tijd onevenredig.

De VVD'er wijst er op dat in de afgelopen maand in de Algemene Ledenvergadering van de VN er 22 besluiten zijn genomen over Israël en slechts 4 over andere landen.


"Er heerst hypocrisie, selectiviteit en politisering in het enige orgaan waarin de hele wereld overtuigend kan samenkomen", zo concludeert Ten Broeke hieruit.

Ook de PVV stoort zich aan 'obessieve aandacht' voor Israël binnen de VN.  Dit is volgens Kamerlid De Roon te verklaren door de 57 islamitische landen in de VN.


Ten Broeke vindt daarnaast dat minister Timmermans van Buitenlandse Zaken zich concreter moet inzetten om in de toekomst te voorkomen dat VN-leden hun veto kunnen gebruiken als het gaat om stemmingen over humanitaire interventies bij grove mensenrechtenschendingen.

Als voorbeeld noemt hij de stemmingen over de inzet van chemische wapens. Rusland en China spraken het afgelopen jaar drie keer een veto uit tegen door westerse landen gesteunde VN-resoluties om druk uit te oefenen op het regime in Syrie.

"Als de VN er vrijwillig voor kiest zichzelf te delegitimeren dan rest ons niets anders dan haar te passeren in urgente gevallen, bijvoorbeeld na de inzet van chemische wapens", aldus Ten Broeke.


"Het zijn burgers wier belangen dienen te worden behartigd door de VN. Niet uitsluitend de belangen van een aantal permanente leden van de VN-Veiligheidsraad."

De VVD stelt zich ervan bewust te zijn dat het voor Nederland moeilijk is om iets aan de dynamiek binnen de VN te veranderen. Maar omdat Nederland probeert een zetel in de VN-Veiligheidsraad te krijgen, ziet de partij toch "bescheiden kansen".

Aantal berichten : 96
Woonplaats : Judea
Registration date : 23-05-08


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De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel  Empty Re: De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel

Bericht  Eliyahu vr nov 29, 2013 9:10 am


Het bovenstaande is een algemene trend in de VN: 22 resoluties tegen Israel, en 4 tegen de rest van de wereld bij elkaar.

Dit geeft helder en duidelijk aan waarom de VN niet serieus genomen kan worden.

Aantal berichten : 96
Woonplaats : Judea
Registration date : 23-05-08


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Bericht  Eliyahu wo dec 04, 2013 8:19 am


Australië tot VN : Stop met Israël af te kraken


Dinsdag, 3 December 2013 11:22

Australië verraste onlangs iedereen door zich van stemming te onthouden bij twee VN-resoluties van de Algemene Vergadering die zich richtten op Israël, een signaal dat de mensen ‘down under’ steeds meer genoeg hebben van de partijdige benadering van het wereldlichaam in het Israëlisch-Arabische conflict.

Net als de meeste andere landen, stemt Australië bij de tientallen VN-resoluties die zich elk jaar op Israël richten meestal voor. Tegen het einde van de huidige sessie van de Algemene Vergadering, zal het 22 resoluties tegen Israël hebben doen uitgaan, en slechts vier tegen de rest van de wereld bij elkaar.

Australische media vroegen zich af: vanwaar deze verandering? Een woordvoerder van de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Julie Bishop (foto) vertelde de ‘Canberra Times’ dat de recente onthoudingen ‘de verontrusting van de Australische regering weerspiegelde dat de resoluties over het Midden-Oosten afgewogen moeten zijn.’

De krant merkt op dat de twee resoluties waarvoor Australië weigerde te stemmen, de Israëlische ‘nederzettingenactiviteit’ veroordeelde, terwijl het met geen woord repte over het voortdurende Palestijnse terrorisme en opruiing.

In gerelateerd nieuws zette de Canadese premier Stephen Harper zijn openlijke steun en liefde voor Israël voort door aanwezig te zijn bij het jaarlijkse Joods Nationaal Fonds galadiner in Toronto.

Harper vertelde de aanwezigen dat ‘Israël altijd op Canada kan rekenen’ alvorens het podium op te gaan en de gasten te verblijden als zanger van een vierkoppige rockband.

Israel Today Staf.

Aantal berichten : 96
Woonplaats : Judea
Registration date : 23-05-08


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Bericht  Eliyahu wo dec 04, 2013 9:16 am


Stelling: De VN en de hele wereld heeft een ziekelijke fixatie op Israel.

De Human Rights Watch van de VN heeft weer eens tien resoluties aangenomen waarvan er 9 tegen, Jawel! Israel gericht zijn.

De enige democratische staat in het Midden Oosten.

Dat eigenaardige feit viel zelfs een vertaalster bij de UN op, en die maakte er een opmerking over, maar vergat alleen even dat haar microfoon nog aanstond:

  PM praises UN interpreter criticizing attacks on Israel


UN Human Rights session slams Israel in slew of resolutions. UN Interpreter forgets microphone on, calls nine resolutions condemning Jewish State 'a bit too much' earning her praise from Netanyahu

There aren't many moments of satisfaction for the State of Israel on the international political stage, but there was a small victory when a UN interpreter made a comment on the biased treatment that Israel was receiving in a human rights conference, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday morning.

Netanyahu referred to the slip of tongue, which occurred last Thursday night in one of the UN human rights conferences in New York. There were nine decisions condemning Israel out of the ten that were approved during the conference.

The interpreter called the resolutions a bit too much, and that "there's other really bad shit happening, but no one says anything about the other stuff," before realizing that the microphone had been turned on.

In a government session, Netanyahu showed the video to the ministers and said: "I hope that nothing will happen to the interpreter, but to remove any doubt, I can guarantee her work in Israel if there's any development in that area. Sometimes, all at once, it's possible to tear up the hypocrisy of their non-stop attacks against us, and this brave interpreter did just that."


Aantal berichten : 96
Woonplaats : Judea
Registration date : 23-05-08


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De abnormale focus van de VN op Israel  Empty UN, Israel & Anti-Semitism

Bericht  Admin wo dec 04, 2013 10:03 am


UN, Israel & Anti-Semitism


For an updated chart of 2007-2008 General Assembly resolutions on Israel, click here.
For an updated chart of all Human Rights Council resolutions on Israel, click here.
For more analysis see The United Nations and Anti-Semitism, 2004-2007 Report Card.

Demonization of Israel: "Zionism is Racism"

An alien observing the United Nations' debates, reading its resolutions, and walking its halls could well conclude that a principal purpose of the world body is to censure a tiny country called Israel.

1949: Israel admitted into the UN

Beginning in the late 1960's, the full weight of the UN was gradually but deliberately turned against the country it had conceived by General Assembly resolution a mere two decades earlier. The campaign to demonize and delegitimize Israel in every UN and international forum was initiated by the Arab states together with the Soviet Union, and supported by what has become known as an "automatic majority" of Third World member states.

The campaign reached new strength in wake of the Arab oil embargo of 1973, when many African states were pressured into severing relations with Israel. In 1975, following a steady drumbeat of anti-Israel declarations pushed through the International Women's Year Conference in Mexico and then the Organization of African Unity, the majority of the General Assembly adopted the "Zionism is Racism" resolution. At the same time, it instituted a series of related measures that together installed an infrastructure of anti-Israel propaganda throughout the UN. Years later, after strenuous efforts by democratic forces, the infamous resolution was repealed.

Legacy of 1975: Anti-Israel Infrastructure Remains

However, the legacy of 1975 remains fully intact: UN committees, annual UN resolutions, an entire UN bureaucratic division, permanent UN exhibits in New York and Geneva headquarters -- all dedicated to a relentless and virulent propaganda war against the Jewish state. Together, they have made the UN into Ground Zero for today's new anti-Semitism, which is the irrational scapegoating of Israel with the true intended target being Jews. Not only do these anti-Israel measures incite hatred against Israelis and Jews everywhere, but they have done not a thing to help the Palestinian situation. On the contrary: they give strength and succor to extremists.

Paradoxically, one of the greatest violators of the UN Charter's equality guarantee has been the UN body charged with establishing and enforcing international human rights, the Human Rights Council. (For more on the bias of this body, formerly known as the Commission on Human Rights, click here.)

Anti-Israel Bias in the UN System

The UN's discrimination against Israel is not a minor infraction, nor a parochial nuisance of interest solely to those concerned with equal rights of the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Instead, the world body's obsession with censuring Israel at every turn directly affects all citizens of the world, for it constitutes (a) a severe violation of the equality principles guaranteed by the UN Charter and underlying the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and (b) a significant obstacle to the UN's ability to carry out its proper mandate.

None of this means Israel should be above the law. Every country, including every democracy, commits human rights violations, and states should be held to account accordingly, both domestically and internationally. Yet Israel does have the right to be treated equally under the law. The UN Charter and the rules of natural justice demand no less. It is legitimate for UN bodies to criticize Israel, but not when they do do so unfairly, selectively, massively, sometimes exclusively, and always obsessively.

Likewise, it is perfectly legitimate to call attention to the rights of the Palestinian people and their often difficult conditions. But it is something else entirely to abuse their cause for the sole objective of scapegoating Israel and the Jewish people.

1975: Israeli Ambassador Chaim Herzog tearing the "Zionism equals Racism" resolution.

General Assembly Ignored Sudan, But Condemned Israel 22 Times

The countless anti-Israel resolutions and related debates consume an astonishing proportion of the UN community's precious resources. This year, during the 61th Session of the General Assembly (2006-2007), the time spent by ambassadors on enacting the 22nd anti-Israel resolution of the year was time not spent on passing a single resolution on Sudan's genocide in Darfur. Diplomats at foreign ministries or UN missions have a limited amount of time to devote to any particular UN session. Because every proposed UN resolution is subjected to intensive review by various levels and branches of government, a direct result of the anti-Israel texts is a crippling of the UN's ability to tackle the world's ills.

UN bias against Israel is overt in bodies such as the General Assembly, which each year passes some nineteen resolutions against Israel and none against most other member states, including the world's most repressive regimes. The World Health Organization, meeting at its annual assembly in Geneva in 2005, passed but one resolution against a specific country: Israel was charged with violating Palestinian rights to health. Similarly, the International Labour Organization, at its annual 2005 conference in Geneva, carried only one major country-specific report on its annual agenda -- a lengthy document charging Israel with violating the rights of Palestinian workers.

In the summer of 2004, the UN's International Court of Justice at The Hague issued an advisory opinion that followed the script of a political campaign orchestrated by the PLO representative at the UN, Nasser al-Kidwa. The busiest corridor of the Palais des Nations, the European headquarters of the UN in Geneva, displays no less than ten larger-than-life panels devoted to the Palestinian cause. The clear message, that the Palestinians are the world's greatest human rights victim; the clear implication, that Israel is the world's greatest human rights abuser.

There are three special UN entities dedicated to the Palestinian cause. The oldest is the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories, created in 1968. In 1975, the General Assembly added the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. Supporting its work is the Division for Palestinian Rights. Lodged within the UN Secretariat, the Division boasts a sixteen-member staff and a budget of millions, which it devotes to the constant promotion of anti-Israel propaganda throughout the world.

Although Secretary-General Kofi Annan has made important pronouncements against anti-Semitism, and even -- before a Jerusalem audience -- against some aspects of the UN's anti-Israel bias, his regular statements on the Arab-Israeli conflict are disproportionately critical of Israel. Senior aide Lakhdar Brahimi publicly described Israel as a country whose policy constitutes "the great poison in the region."

Time to Take Action to End Bias and Injustice at the UN

The anti-Israel apparatus within the UN, therefore, is of considerable magnitude, and cripples the functioning of the organization. The overt bias practiced against one state undermines the UN's credibility and integrity. Anyone who truly cares about the UN must take action to end this gross injustice and criminal distraction from world pandemics such as disease and poverty. Given the current period of UN reform, now is the time. Many more UN officials, member states, NGOs, and others need to speak out and actively oppose this longstanding inequality. To begin taking action, click here.


Aantal berichten : 9
Registration date : 23-05-08


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